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Biofarma Group honored to join the United Nations Global Compact

Data: 31_01_2024
Category: Corporate

Today, Biofarma Group is pleased to announce that we have joined the United Nations Global Compact initiative — a voluntary leadership platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible business practices.

 With this announcement, our Group is proud to join thousands of other companies globally committed to taking responsible business action to create the world we all want.

The UN Global Compact is a call to companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to take action in support of UN goals and issues embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Launched in 2000, the UN Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with more than 15,000 companies and 3,000 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries, and more than 70 Local Networks.

I am pleased to confirm that Biofarma Group supports the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. With this communication, we express our commitment to making the UN Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of our company, and to engaging in collaborative projects which advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals” noted Gianfranco Nazzi CEO of our Group.

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© Biofarma Srl C.F. and P.IVA 02895910301
T. +39 0432 868711 F. +39 0432 868018
Via Castelliere, 2
33036 Mereto di Tomba (UD) Italy
Number REA UD - 296214
Date of entry in the
Business Register of UDINE: 01/07/2017
Registration number: 02895910301
Share capital euro 3.000.000